
Yawcam -> Motion detection -> Actions -> Ftp

Motion ftp settings

Image options - Specify the quality of the image and if the overlay shall be added to the saved image or not. You can read more info about the text overlay settings and image overlay settings.

Ftp server - Type in the address to the computer where the image shall be uploaded to.

Port - The port number on which the ftp server is running. (default is 21)

Username - The username for your ftp account.

Password - The password for your ftp account.

Directory - It is possible to specify in which subdirectory of your ftp account that the image shall be uploaded to. If you don't use a subdirectory just leave the text field empty as in the image above.

Filename - This option decides the name of the file. It is possible to use variables to get an array of images. See more info about the variables below. The "Info" button also shows information about the variables.

Image array - If the image array is activated Yawcam will save a sequence of images with a specified interval. Enter the number of images you want to save and the delay between the images in milliseconds. (1000 milliseconds is the same as 1 second.)

Remember to use variables in the filename if you activate the image array! If you use a static filename the image will be overwritten and you will only get one image instead of a sequence. If an interval smaller than 1000 ms is used, always include the variable {tstampMS} to get a complete image sequence.

Flood control - Activate the flood control to set a limit of how often this action can be performed. The action will be blocked if the time set in the interval not has passed since last time this action was taken.

It is possible to use the following variables in the filename:

{date} = The date in format YYYY-MM-DD
{dateY} = The current year in format YYYY
{dateM} = The current month in format MM
{dateD} = The current day of the month in format DD
{tstamp} = A time stamp in format HH.MM.SS
{tstampH} = The current hour in format HH
{tstampM} = The current minute in format MM
{tstampS} = The current second in format SS
{tstampMS} = The current millisecond